Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Year's Resolutions....

Seriously, I'm struggling! It's been a busy 2 + months since my last post but I have been very productive. In those 2 months I've found a Church, reception site, wedding dress, bridesmaids dresses, and I'm actually going today to meet with the manager of the place where I'm having my reception and go over menu's. So I'm coming along very well. I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and just got back from Scotland! My fiance is from Scotland, and he's the only one who lives in the States, all of the future in-laws are in Scotland. I know what a tough job, having to go to Scotland to visit the fam. HA!

So needless to say we are planning a very scottish wedding! The groomsmen will all be wearing kilts so I decided on this as the bridesmaids dress. I figured it would compliment the kilts. And the best part about it is I got them from TARGET!!! I have an obsession with Target, I absolutely love it! I can just walk around Target and not even buy anything and I'll leave feeling happier than when I went in! So anyway, I chose the black and I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to have them wear a sash, if I do then it will be ivory.

Since I'm having a scottish wedding I really want to have the Scottish Thistle as one of my flowers and so far I'm not having any luck. Does anyone know of a florists that can get the thistle in the Central Virginia area????

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Girls Night and a little Halloween Fun

I always have dinner with the girls. It's not very frequent but when you are trying to work with four women, two husband, two fiances, and two children that equals not very frequent dinners/wine nights! However we were able to get together and have a little fun the day before halloween. And here are some picks to prove it.

How cute are these cookies!!!!

That's me on the left with my scary wolf man cookie!

And boy were they scary we are all terrified!!

Seriously if you had been there and seen those girls making those faces

all you would have been able to do was laugh too!

All in all a pretty successful girls night! Stay tuned for our Christmas Brunch we do in early December, it's great fun and lot's of Mimosa's!

I know I said I was going to talk about weddings stuff, but I got a little sidetracked, I'll be back on my game tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Blog of My Very Own

Well it's actually happened, I've been reading blogs for the past year or so and have been amazed at how people do it. But at the same time had that feeling like when you go to a craft show or something and see all of the beautiful stuff people make and think, "I can so do that!" Well I am so doing my own blog! Yeah! So there are a lot of reasons that I finally took the plung and am now an official member of the blog world. A few of those reasons:
~ I am engaged and planning a wedding
~I want a place to be able to talk about the wedding
~And get peoples feedback and advise and how-to's and not-to's and all that good stuff
~ I am a very versatile lady and like a great many different things and want to talk about them
~I also want to be able to vent and just put all that out there when I need to!

So those are just a few little tidbits of the why and what's to come.

I'm so excited to get started and I'm even more excited that I decided to start my blog on Halloween, that's an easy date to remember! So Happy Halloween everyone! (I really don't know why I'm acting like there are a bunch of people reading this, I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed)

Okay lot's of wedding info tomorrow!